Every year, the Slovenian Animated Film Association launches an international call for student animated projects in development to participate in the DSAF Incubator. Our animation students have participated in this project in the past, some of whom have been presented with awards from this organization! Read more here.

This year, for the opening meeting of DSAF, we invited the Incubator to Nova Gorica, where together with DSAF, we are co-creating the Hub and animation laboratory. The project is also part of GO!2025, the European Capital of Culture. 11 projects from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy were selected to participate in the DSAF Incubator in 2023, which will be advised by 14 consultants from Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia during the project. Director Boris Dolenc was invited to the opening meeting as a special guest this year, who shared his career path with the participants.

Our animation students have already participated in the DSAF Incubator project, but this year two were selected: Dragana Stanković‘s master’s project Funny Snails and Melita Sandrin‘s undergraduate final film Arachnophobia.

Take a look at some of the moments from the meeting: