The awards ceremony, currated by DSAF (Slovene Animated Film Association), took place within the 25th Festival of Slovenian Film in Portorož, during the International day of animated film. It was accompanied by a screening of the award-winning films. We are proud that two of our students – Domen Sajovic and Miha Reja were honored with the following awards:
• DSAF Award for study animated project in developement 2022: Močerad, Domen Sajovic
• Special mention in the category of student awards: Kurent, Miha Reja
Congratulations to our hard-working students!

At the pitching panel of Kratka Scena, Miha Reja also presented his next animated film in developement – ˝Kožuh˝, and just a few hours later, he was treated to an unofficial award by the Festival’s student film jury, known as the ˝beer of the jury˝! We are excited to see what the future will bring to our Miha and his upcoming projects!