The University of Nova Gorica School of Arts is proud that its students are once again part of the International Animated Film Festival Animateka!

28.11. – 04.12.2022. Slovenska kinoteka, Ljubljana
In the student competition programme of this year’s Animateka we have the film A bone to pick with by Nika Karner, while films Evolution is the right solution (Ana Prebil), Pareidolia (Melita Sandrin), Kiwi (Karin Likar) and Last Laugh (Domen Sajovic) are in the student panorama programme.
We can’t wait to visit Animateka with our students, watch various animated films and hang out!
28.11. Slovenska kinoteka at 17:00
Evolution is the right solution (5′) , Ana Prebil
Schedule of the Student panorama I programme
30.11. Slovenska kinoteka at 15:00
Kiwi (2′), Karin Likar
Schedule of the panorama III programme
02.12. Slovenska kinoteka at 15:00
Pareidolia (1′), Melita Sandrin
Schedule of the Student panorama II programme
02.12. Slovenska kinoteka at 19:00
A bone to pick with (4′), Nika Karner
Schedule of the European Young Talents V programme
03.12. Slovenska kinoteka at 17:00
Last Laugh (3′), Domen Sajovic
Schedule of the Student panorama III programme
In addition to colleagues from UL ALUO, the festival Student jury includes our representatives: Tamara Taskova, Melita Sandrin and Domen Sajovic, who will ultimately choose the best student animated film in the “European Young Talents” programm.