Ars Electronica festival 2024
4-8 September, Postcity – Linz, Avstrija
Program Campus

The Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica will once again participate in the Campus program at the Ars Electronica Festival 2024, one of the world’s most prestigious festivals in the fields of art, technology, and society. With our exhibition “Look Me in The Eye – The Time is Now!”, we will be featured at the 45th edition of the festival, which will take place from September 4th to 8th. The main location will once again be the unique “Postcity,” an old postal dispatch center (Postcity location on the map). You are warmly invited to join us!

Cover image: Nel Jeraj Sedej from the film “Window”
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Exhibition curator: Rene Rusjan
Producer and coordinator: Rok Govednik, Polona Dolžan
Technical support: Urša Bonelli
Responsible person: Boštjan Potokar
The selected student works were created in research activities of Hope and Existential Grief in the Anthropocene,; Futurama; A (liquid) Vision of 2086; I’s; and So, Who Will Turn the Tide? a triplet of short cinematic reflections
workshops and under the mentorships of: Robertine Šebjanič, Jasne Hribernik, Olge Toni, Martina Turka, Jana Cvitkovića in Rene Rusjan
Participating authors: Ana Evtić, Milan Bajcetić, Polina Bakalski, Nel J. Sadej, Tamara Taskova, Luka Carlevaris, Toma Kirina, Natalia Polonskaia, Blaž Stantič Kobal, Primož Lukežič

This year’s festival explores the theme “HOPE: Who Will Turn the Tide?”

HOPE: Who will turn the tide? This is indeed the question  being increasingly on our minds. Who will do it? When,  anytime soon? In which direction will the tide turn? Which  tide? Will we do it? But who are we? Are ‘we’ a single entity  that can get together and react to make a difference, a  positive step into finally turning this tide? But are we even  wanting the same thing, experiencing the same pain, the  same joy, sharing the same concerns? 

We would like to believe that we do. That we all want a safe  future for all of us as a society, for the planet, for the world.  But how do we see this bright future, while we don’t even  share similar views to the present, let alone the past?  Conflicts multiply, the ‘never again’ motto has already been  forgotten and run over a thousand times. 

Hope is a strong and helpful feeling, but it directs us to the  future. Hoping that it will be better ‘someday’, that it will be  better ‘soon’. That ‘someone’ will do ‘something’ that will  turn the tide. But who will it be, this mighty one who will come and save the world? And, won’t it be too late if we just  wait for it to happen?

Hey, let’s start with the two of us! Look me in the eye – the  time is now!  (Rene Rusjan)

Hope and Existential Grief in the Anthropocene
Polina Bakalski (MKD)
Luka Carlevaris (SVN)
Ana Evtić (SRB)
Milan Bajčetić (MNE)
Mentor: Jasna Hribernik (SVN)
In the compilation by master’s students we encounter an intimate and  critical reflection of the time and space in which we live in.  Confronting and acknowledging the origin of the modern  state of “loss of the world” and the hope for “continuing life  in the ruins” represent the foundation on which we can begin  to think about new ways of living. (Jasna Hribernik)
Multimedia installation.
Foto: Ana Evtić

Futurama: A Vision of 2086
Luka Carlevaris (SVN)
Tamara Taskova (MKD)
Blaž Stantič Kobal (SVN)
Primož Lukežič (SVN)
Mentor: Robertina Šebjanič (SVN)
Futurama workshop motivates students to develop new  conceptual ideas, that reflect today’s human imprint on the  world and reimagine the future that follows. These ideas  aim to conceptualize future predictions regarding the  implications for our planet. Through Futurama, students had been exploring (un)limited of the human body that will be shaped with the future food, the impact of textiles as a significant polluter and shedding light on the environmental consequences of our material consumption , A.I. as a compassionate and empathic companion and sonic scapes of the new future world(s) to come. (Robertina Šebjanič)
Multimedia installation.
Foto: Luka Carlevaris

Futurama: A Liquid Vision of 2086
Ana Evtić (SRB)
Nel Jeraj Sedej (SVN)
Mentor: Robertina Šebjanič (SVN)
The Futurama workshop sparks students’ imagination by inspiring them to develop concepts that mirror the current human impact on our planet, envisioning the pathways to come. This two multimedia installations serves as a liquid catalyst for contemplation, prompting viewers to ponder the transformative potential of of materials like ferrofluids and liquids in shaping our evolving world and our imagineris. (Robertina Šebjanič)
Multimedia installation.
Foto: Ana Evtić

Ana Evtić (SRB)
Mentorica: Rene Rusjan (SVN)
Do we wonder how other people’s eyes look at the world? Or do we only see our own in them?
Do we fear confrontation, or does it depend on the person in  front? Eyes foreign to us or well known?
How do we feel about the whole process?
And what do the eyes say about the one to whom they  belong?
That’s what the work is about.
Curiosity during the confrontation between two people. (Ana Evtić)
Foto: Ana Evtić

So, Who Will Turn the Tide?
a triplet of  short cinematic reflections
Natalia Polonskaia (RUS)
Mentor: Jan Cvitkovič (SVN)
Tamara Kirina (RUS)
Mentorica: Olga Toni (SVN)
Nel Jeraj Sedej (SVN)
Mentor: Martin Turk (SVN)
A selection of short films that offer a personal perspective  on how we perceive or are affected by time and how that  shapes us as humans.
Tamara Kirina: I reflect
Thisis a video summary of friends and  private conversations about the topics that have influenced or continue influencing the author.
Nel Jeraj Sedej: The Window
Imagine waking up in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but the vast landscape surrounding you. This is exactly what happened to a soldier who found himself lost and alone. However, as he wanders through this unfamiliar terrain, he suddenly stumbles upon an object that has the power to change everything – his life, and the world as we know it.

Natalia Polonskaia: Frants
In the documentary, Frants, 31,  reflects on his fears, life’s challenges and fatherhood.  Short films.More:
Foto from the film: Natalia Polonskaia

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