Igor, a 50 year old loner, is troubled about something. He can’t stand to be inside his own house, is bothered by the silence that envelops it and he is suspiciously hiding trash bags when no one is around to see. Most signs tell that he might’ve lost his partner, until a postman, carrying an important package, finds him sleeping against the well in front of his house the following day. Once awake, a confused and hungover Igor freaks out at the mention of his wife, for whom the package is for, and hurries inside the house. A whole afternoon passes until he musters the courage to reveal what’s inside. At the sight of a pepper spray, a pissed off Igor, package in hand, makes his way to his workshop, and removes the trash bags he had hidden the day before, from their hiding spot. He empties them on the floor and a pile of female belongings collects at his feet. He burns them alongside the package and watches the flames grow higher.
Igor, a 50 year old loner, is troubled about something. He can’t stand to be inside his own house, is bothered by the silence that envelops it and he is suspiciously hiding trash bags when no one is around to see. Most signs tell that he might’ve lost his partner, until a postman, carrying an important package, finds him sleeping against the well in front of his house the following day. Once awake, a confused and hungover Igor freaks out at the mention of his wife, for whom the package is for, and hurries inside the house. A whole afternoon passes until he musters the courage to reveal what’s inside. At the sight of a pepper spray, a pissed off Igor, package in hand, makes his way to his workshop, and removes the trash bags he had hidden the day before, from their hiding spot. He empties them on the floor and a pile of female belongings collects at his feet. He burns them alongside the package and watches the flames grow higher.
Format: h.264, colour, stereo, 16:9
Year: 2023
Fiction film, drama
Director, script: Arta Kroni
DOP: Mark Herpai
Editing: Arta Kroni
Set design: Melita Sandrin
Costume design: Arta Kroni
Sound recording: Tenej Davidović, Kostja Ronkali, Jaša Krkoč
Sound design: Ivan Antić, Dean Stojčič, Katja Likar
Format: h.264, colour, stereo, 16:9
Year: 2023
Fiction film, drama
Director, script: Arta Kroni
DOP: Mark Herpai
Editing: Arta Kroni
Set design: Melita Sandrin
Costume design: Arta Kroni
Sound recording: Tenej Davidović, Kostja Ronkali, Jaša Krkoč
Sound design: Ivan Antić, Dean Stojčič, Katja Likar