Alternative transport
At a bus stop in the middle of nowhere, five strangers gather. Each of them is completely different from the others: an elderly gentleman, Zdravko or Zdravc, a teenager in his late teens, Lan, a well-dressed woman in her 50s, Maja, a young hiker, Peter, and a hippie, Lila. While waiting for the bus, which is running very late, they start talking. Interesting, bizarre, and funny interactions unfold. After a long wait, the bus finally arrives, driven by a driver who irritates them. They get on the bus and drive off on their own, leaving the driver stranded at the stop in the middle of nowhere. Filled with adrenaline and a sense of being alive, they head off into the unknown.
At a bus stop in the middle of nowhere, five strangers gather. Each of them is completely different from the others: an elderly gentleman, Zdravko or Zdravc, a teenager in his late teens, Lan, a well-dressed woman in her 50s, Maja, a young hiker, Peter, and a hippie, Lila. While waiting for the bus, which is running very late, they start talking. Interesting, bizarre, and funny interactions unfold. After a long wait, the bus finally arrives, driven by a driver who irritates them. They get on the bus and drive off on their own, leaving the driver stranded at the stop in the middle of nowhere. Filled with adrenaline and a sense of being alive, they head off into the unknown.
Format: HD, colour, stereo, 16:9
Year: 2023
Fiction film, absurd comedy
Director, script: Ana Logar
DOP: Mark Herpai
Editing: Ana Logar
Animation: Ana Logar
Set design: Ana Logar
Costume design: Ana Logar
Sound recording: Neda Ivanović, Filip Kosmač, Maša Pirih, Vukašin Panić
Sound design: Miha Šajina
Music: Samo Pivač – Samuel blues
Actors: Voranc Boh, Rok Ličen, Sara Gorše, Željko Hrs, Karin Komljanec, Marko Mandić, Kristina, Miran Košuta
Format: HD, colour, stereo, 16:9
Year: 2023
Fiction film, absurd comedy
Director, script: Ana Logar
DOP: Mark Herpai
Editing: Ana Logar
Animation: Ana Logar
Set design: Ana Logar
Costume design: Ana Logar
Sound recording: Neda Ivanović, Filip Kosmač, Maša Pirih, Vukašin Panić
Sound design: Miha Šajina
Music: Samo Pivač – Samuel blues
Actors: Voranc Boh, Rok Ličen, Sara Gorše, Željko Hrs, Karin Komljanec, Marko Mandić, Kristina, Miran Košuta