At the 21st Animateka, we have two films by our students in the Student Competition Program “European Young Talents”: Onkraj obraza by Anja Resman and Tempomaximus by Brina Fekonja. Additionally, the films (Un)lucky Day by Karin Likar and Funny Snails by Dragana Stanković are featured in the Student Panorama.

This year’s Student Jury includes, alongside colleagues from UL ALUO and AGRFT, our students Karin Likar and Neda Ivanović. At the end of the festival, they will select the best student animated film in the “European Young Talents” program, for which the award is co-funded not only by the University of Ljubljana but also by our University of Nova Gorica. More about the jury and our students.

In the main Competition Program of the festival, there is also the film Tri tičice by our mentor Zarja Menart.