Tonight in the mansion, the children are home alone. They fearfully listen to the eldest sister’s awful tale: »Inthe night of a shining full moon, all children should be sound asleep in their beds, forwhen the clock strikesmidnight the time stands still. A sleepless child that does not stand still with the time, shall be eaten by theirshadow…ALIVE!« Poor little Elsie can’t fall asleep for her sister’s words are almost making her weep…
Format: HD, colour, stereo and 5.1, 16:9
Animated film
Year: 2020
Duration: 4min 13s
Technique: computerd 2D drawing
Script, director, design, animation, text: Larisa Nagode
Sound recording: Julij Zornik, Jaka Skočir, Žiga Rangus
Sound design: Julij Zornik
Foley sounds: Jaka Skočir, Žiga Rangus
Narrators: Anja Novak (Slo.), Erika Škerlj (Eng.)
Help with text: Pia Zarnik