Frants is just an ordinary man living in modern Russia. The current state of the country andthe everyday struggles that surround him have left him feeling trapped in his depression. In the documentary, he opens up about his job, the challenges of being a father, and the one fear that haunts him day. Frants may not stand out in any particular way, but he represents a piece of me and my homeland, and that’s why I feel a need to share his story.
Frants is just an ordinary man living in modern Russia. The current state of the country andthe everyday struggles that surround him have left him feeling trapped in his depression. In the documentary, he opens up about his job, the challenges of being a father, and the one fear that haunts him day. Frants may not stand out in any particular way, but he represents a piece of me and my homeland, and that’s why I feel a need to share his story.
Format: HD, barvni, stereo, 16:9
Year: 2024
Documentry film
Director, script: Polonskaia Natalia
DOP: Polonskaia Natalia
Editing: Polonskaia Natalia
Animation: Polonskaia Natalia
Set design: Polonskaia Natalia
Costume design: Polonskaia Natalia
Sound recording: Polonskaia Natalia
Sound design: Polonskaia Natalia
Music: Metallica – No Leaf Clover
Subtitles: Marcel Kump
Format: HD, barvni, stereo, 16:9
Year: 2024
Documentry film
Director, script: Polonskaia Natalia
DOP: Polonskaia Natalia
Editing: Polonskaia Natalia
Animation: Polonskaia Natalia
Set design: Polonskaia Natalia
Costume design: Polonskaia Natalia
Sound recording: Polonskaia Natalia
Sound design: Polonskaia Natalia
Music: Metallica – No Leaf Clover
Subtitles: Marcel Kump