GO! STUDIO – Cross-border Capacity Building in Audiovisual Field With Young People For Young People

The project GO! STUDIO – Cross-border Capacity Building in Audiovisual Field With Young People For Young People represents an invaluable step forward in enhancing regional potentials in both the cultural and economic spheres. The combined effort of partners, the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica and Kinoatelje, is focused on improving the quality and accessibility of education and practical opportunities for young people aspiring to succeed in the world of audiovisual arts.

Our goal is to enhance material and human resources in the cross-border region to create a supportive environment for young talents. With the GO! STUDIO project, we are upgrading studio capabilities, equipment, and lighting systems, thereby providing better conditions for education, creation, and production of films and animations. At the same time, we are establishing numerous training and mentoring programs that facilitate young people’s transition from school to the job market and improve their prospects for work and life in our region.

Our activities encompass a wide range of training – from practical workshops for young authors and animators to programs for film education mentors as well as professionals. The activities will take place at our premises at the Academy of Arts on Vipavska Street 13 in Nova Gorica. With an emphasis on lifelong learning and the development of critical thinking, we aim to create lasting effects that transcend the project’s boundaries and contribute to enriching the cultural and economic fabric of our region.

The GO! STUDIO project is not just an isolated endeavor but is closely linked to the extensive program of the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025. By joining forces, we support and complement projects such as Cinecittà – City of Film, thus contributing to the long-term impact and development of all involved initiatives. The project builds bridges between education, culture, and the economy, enabling young people to fulfill their dreams and contribute to the wealth of our community.


Film workshop with the honorary doctorate recipient of the University of Nova Gorica 2024, Želimir Žilnik: link

Film workshop with Gregor Božič: link

Photos from the events:

The project is funded by the European Union through the Small Projects Fund of the GO! 2025 Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 program, managed by the EGTC GO.

