Painting venture
Snowdrop, a small forest fairy, is walking around gathering supplies for her painting venture. She begins to paint, measuring with her thumb, observing her subject from different angles, she is trying her best. After finishing the painting she runs to her model, a little brown lump of hair, Growl, who was sitting patiently and posing. He is surprised by the “masterpiece” he sees.
Snowdrop, a small forest fairy, is walking around gathering supplies for her painting venture. She begins to paint, measuring with her thumb, observing her subject from different angles, she is trying her best. After finishing the painting she runs to her model, a little brown lump of hair, Growl, who was sitting patiently and posing. He is surprised by the “masterpiece” he sees.
Format: HD, colour, stereo, 4:3
Leto: 2024
Animated film, comedy
Director, script: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Editing: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Animation: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Sound recording: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Sound design: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Image postproduction: Rei Grando
Format: HD, colour, stereo, 4:3
Leto: 2024
Animated film, comedy
Director, script: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Editing: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Animation: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Sound recording: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Sound design: Mali Vidmar Vrabec
Image postproduction: Rei Grando