The revelation of the invisible
The director Luka Mavrič starts to put himself out to the world of the invisible, which some believe in and others don’t. First, he wants to reveal the truth alone, but later he starts to connect with experts on this topic.
The director Luka Mavrič starts to put himself out to the world of the invisible, which some believe in and others don’t. First, he wants to reveal the truth alone, but later he starts to connect with experts on this topic.
Format: 2560×1080, colour, stereo, 21:9
Year: 2024
Documentary film
Director, script: Luka Mavrič
DOP: Luka Mavrič
Editing: Luka Mavrič
Set design: Luka Mavrič
Sound recording: Luka Mavrič
Sound design: Ivan Antić, Dejan Stojčić
Format: 2560×1080, colour, stereo, 21:9
Year: 2024
Documentary film
Director, script: Luka Mavrič
DOP: Luka Mavrič
Editing: Luka Mavrič
Set design: Luka Mavrič
Sound recording: Luka Mavrič
Sound design: Ivan Antić, Dejan Stojčić