The window
Imagine waking up in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but the vast landscape surrounding you. This is exactly what happened to a soldier who found himself lost and alone. However, as he wanders through this unfamiliar terrain, he suddenly stumbles upon an object that has the power to change everything – his life, and the world as we know it.
Imagine waking up in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but the vast landscape surrounding you. This is exactly what happened to a soldier who found himself lost and alone. However, as he wanders through this unfamiliar terrain, he suddenly stumbles upon an object that has the power to change everything – his life, and the world as we know it.
Format: HD, colour, ACC, 16:9
Year: 2024
Experimental film, thriller
Director, script: Nel Jeraj Sedej
DOP: Vanja Miloš Jovanović
Editing: Nel Jeraj Sedej
Colourgrade: Vanja Miloš Jovanović
Actor: Yauheni Lavyshyk
Format: HD, colour, ACC, 16:9
Year: 2024
Experimental film, thriller
Director, script: Nel Jeraj Sedej
DOP: Vanja Miloš Jovanović
Editing: Nel Jeraj Sedej
Colourgrade: Vanja Miloš Jovanović
Actor: Yauheni Lavyshyk