With the Stoptrik International animated film festival in Maribor we coorganized a 3-phases workshop of concept-based animation filmmaking where practical execution of the chosen short animated projecta concludes the process of learning critical approaches to media and understanding film as a complex mode of artistic communication.

Participating students of UNG School of Arts at the workshop and festival: Domen Sajovic, Karin Likar, Melita Sandrin, Vanda Ljumović, Seda Alyamaç, Tamara Taskova, Anja Resman
Students took part in animation workshops, where they collaborated with classmates and other students on various projects. The film “Last Laugh” of our student Domen Sajovic was shown in the Panorama programme and he also took part in the “trickshow disscucssion” where he talked about the process of creating his film.
The Participants learned stop motion animation filmmaking from HUGO COVARRUBIAS, an Oscar-nominated director of the film “Bestia” (Chile); scriptwriting from VASSILIS KROUSTALLIS, writer, film critic, and academic (Greece / Estonia); while the skills of critical literacy have been introduced by URŠKA BREZNIK and KAJA FIEDLER (Slovenia).
STOPTRIK EXPANDED WORKSHOPS 2022 is a project organized by Pekarna magdalenske mreže in collaboration with University of Nova Gorica School of Arts (Slovenia) within the Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme ANIMATION IN MOTION through cooperation with a network of further partner universities: Lusófona University in Lisbon; Portugal; University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Wels, Austria; Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia; Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, Poland. The students’ and staff with Erasmus grant participate in the event with the Erasmus support.
Read more here: https://www.stoptrik.com/workshot-2022/doppelgnger-en
The Shcha5sec Festival is a international micro-festival of animated films up to 7 sec; it was co-founded by Nadezhda Svirskaia and Sasha Svirsky (who hosted the experimental 2D animation Blender-based workshop at our School) in collaboration with Eugen Fadeev. Our students Vanda Ljumović, Domen Sajovic, Melita Sandrin, Matevž Jelenc, Karin Likar and Seda Alyamac were among those who had their short films screend as a part of this micro-festival.
Take a look at omnibus stop animations:
We had fun and learned a lot, which is why we are looking forward to the Stoptrik festival next year!
